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Camper Van: Make it Home. Up and Coming Cozy Game

up and coming cozy games

‘Create the perfect cozy home- with handbrakes!'

Despite this game having no release date as of yet, with no full game trailers or review footage to demonstrate, I am nonetheless still very excited to talk about this title.

Camper Van: Make it Home, is an exciting, up and coming cozy game that has its origins on Kickstarter. It sees the player embark on a road of self discovery whilst decorating and making space within your camper van.

camper van make it home

The game is apparently packed with plenty of block oriented puzzles, locations to explore and even vehicles to upgrade to, and eventually decorate. Think Unpacking, but on a much smaller scale. In fact Camper Van: Make it Home credits Unpacking and Assemble with Care as core inspiration for the gameplay, which is clear to see.

camper van make it home cozy game

After completing Unpacking- twice. I have been yearning for more games like this and thankfully this small team from Spain have kindly offered to fill the void. Personally Camper Van: Make it Home, speaks to my nomadic heart, as someone who has gypsy heritage and who was brought up and around trailers throughout her life, this really speaks to me.

Eventually, I want my first home purchase to be one of wheels, so this game is already motivating me to keep saving to make that dream a reality for when I come to retire.

At the moment the game is set to release on Steam, mobile devices and more recently the switch, so there will be a few platforms as to which to play it on. Again, there is currently no release date, but I do check out the kickstarter page regularly, so once there is more information posted, I will let you know!


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