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Best video games for couples

Best video games for couples

Sure, red roses and a romantic meal at the finest Italian restaurant is great but what's even better, is staying indoors with your favourite takeaway and playing video games with your significant other.

I'm very lucky to have a fiance' who loves gaming. We spend pretty much most of our downtime playing video games together but it hasn't always been that way! Before we got together, we were both in relationships where our partner's either hated the hobby or showed a disinterest in it. And I know that this is true for a lot of couples out there!

So I've decided to pull together a few easy going, cozy games list that couples can play over Valentine's day- even if your significant other isn't a gamer!

Stardew Valley.

Best video games for couples

Probably the least beginner friendly out of the list but personally I think Stardew Valley is a perfect video game for couples. Here, you both can escape into Pelican Town and sort out Grandpa's derlict farm together by raising livestock and growing crops.

The muliplayer mode ensures that each player has their own cabin that they can customise to their own tastes- so no more arguments about where (insert furniture here), needs to go.

It takes two.

Best video games for couples

In this game, both players will emboy a husband and wife- Cody and May, who are transformed into small handmade dolls and have to work together if they want to get back to reality- and more importantly, back to their daughter Rose.

This game has a relatable story for many, who maybe going through a tough divorce and can rustle up some strong emotions. Definiately be prepared with plenty of tissues and hugs.

Unravel Two.

Best video games for couples

Similar to It takes two, Unravel two will have both players take control of either a red or a blue yarn character, where you both have to work together in solving puzzles and platforming together throughout the levels.

Matched with its stunning level design and easy-to-grasp gameplay, it's a perfect cozy game for snuggling on the sofa together.

Overcooked 1&2

Best video games for couples

This game would obviously be better played with multiple people however I still think that this is an ideal casual game for couples.

Fast paced, you both have to work together in hectic kitchen environments to prepare various food related orders. Not only will you be having a laugh with it's fun and engaging gameplay but you both will be communicating too!

Moving out

Best Video games for couples

Just like the previous entry, Moving out will have you both working together in the fast-paced environment of furniture moving!

Together you will go through the city of Packmore and move people's furniture from Point A to Point B- usually to the moving van. Each level poses potential working hazards and obstacles that you have to overcome together.

Once again, communication is a must- especially as you work against the clock to get the best score.


Best video games for couples

A personal favourite of mine.

Snipperclips is a very quirky and fun game for couples to play. Together as these adorable paper pals, Snip and Clip, you must complete each level's puzzle by cutting shapes into eachother. The game requires a lot of thought and problem solving but it's so light hearted and fun, that it doesn't feel too daunting!


That's just a few video games that I would recommend for couples- gamers or not.

But on a more serious note, you don't have to have a significant other to enjoy video games- alone or together. With online gaming being easily accessible combined with social media, it's alot easier to connect with other gamers from all around the world.

Just remember, Valentine's day is just another day and relationships don't define you or your self worth!


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